

Enhancing Sport Performance

The Biofeedback In Sport Research Group aims to apply and understand biofeedback in order to enhance the sporting performance of humans.

Ever-increasing capabilities in sports technology allows the study of human movement, or biomechanics, to investigate how humans and other living organisms are able to achieve and improve their movement. 

There are many approaches to understanding biomechanics, but a particular specialism of our group is to use biofeedback. This involves measuring the movement of humans in real-time and the movement data generated can be instantaneously fed back to the performer. The data generated can be simple and complex so we investigate the most suitable and effective way to utilise this information so that the biofeedback can be properly understood in order to improve technique. 

Academic Staff


Senior Lecturer

Senior Lecturer

Senior Lecturer

Doctoral Students


Brett M Still 


This report presents an evaluation of the Workplace Challenge, a County Sport Partnership led physical activity programme which utilises a w...

Reproducibility of speed, agility and power assessments in elite academy footballers

Purpose: Fitness testing is a visible part of many youth and senior football programs (Pyne et al. 2014). A high priority is given to physic...

The effect of plyometric training on handspring vault performance in adolescent female gymnasts

Purpose: Despite the huge amount of force exerted by both the upper and lower extremity musculature in gymnastic vaulting, there is scant re...

The effects of playground markings on the physical self-perceptions of 10-11 year-old school children

Background: Significant proportions of school children in the UK do not meet the minimum recommended daily requirements of 60-min moderate-i...

Schools have a crucial role for promoting and establishing healthy behaviours early in the life-course. In recent years, a substantial effort...

Effectiveness of a sport-specific resistance and plyometric training programme: The case of an elite under-19 junior badminton player

Purpose: The use of resistance and plyometric training (RPT) to aid the development of sport-specific anaerobic capabilities is becoming wid...


Former Para-athlete Kelda Wood on Working with Lincoln's Human Performance Centre

Former para-athlete, Kelda Wood, visited the 情色六月天's Human Performance Centre in preparation for her attempt to solo row the Atlantic from east to west. She is the first solo-adaptive person to ever attempt this crossing and only the 6th ever solo female. Kelda linked her campaign to the Climbing Out charity and aimed to raise awareness, raise funds, and raise hope for young people facing life-changing challenges.

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